Hurricane Beryl Takes and Gives

Jesse James and other volunteers help cruisers clear into Customs and Immigration. Dr. Lambie, a local veterinarian shown far right wearing green, generously donates her time for boats with pets. Photos from Sharon Rose.

Hurricane Beryl Approaches

What our team sees upon landing on Union Island.

Cruisers Jump In to Help Hurricane Beryl Victims

Local Organizations Make Large Donations in Response to Hurricane Beryl

Delivery Boats Get Loaded

Monika and Steve (back row left) of s/v Groovy are the first to depart Trinidad with supplies, bound for Mayreau. ​Shown here with volunteer loaders and Jesse James (front right).
Keith of s/v Dyar Straits makes his delivery in Bequia. Photo from Keith Dyar.
The Tradewinds charter company spends more than $30K on essential supplies and sends four of their boats to the affected islands. ​Photo from Parva Navis Sailing.
The crew of s/v Sea Dog, bound for Union Island.
Volunteers load cases of water and other supplies onto s/v Sea Dog.
Volunteers load an outboard motor donated by Sailing AWEN.
Jeremy of m/v Optimist Creed (second from right) takes a moment to say goodbye to us as he prepares to depart on his family’s 63-foot Nordhaven, which is loaded down with many thousands of pounds of supplies.
Optimist Creed’s cargo includes eight brand-new generators, arranged by Jesse James and generously donated by FT Farfan.
s/v Nomadic delivers supplies to Union Island and then other areas, all with a three-month-old baby onboard.
The crew of Sea Pixie prepares to sail with supplies for Carriacou and Union Island.
Dutch sailors raise funds in The Netherlands and transport supplies via multiple boats from Trinidad. Being of Dutch heritage, I was beyond proud! Shown here (L to R): crew of s/y Roller Coaster, s/y Paradiso, and s/y Dali. s/y Satisfaction and s/y Stardust also participate in the convoy. Photo from @RollerCoasterSails.
The crew of s/v Ocean Twins (back row) fills their catamaran with supplies. After overcoming multiple obstacles leaving Trinidad, they still manage to ​make successful deliveries to Mayreau and Union Island. Shown here with volunteer loaders.
Phil of s/v Spero (back row second from right) makes not one but TWO trips from Trinidad (one single-handed) with supplies. He is shown here with volunteer loaders, including Amos (front row far right), an impressive team motivator ​ ​and local businessman who appears on short notice whenever needed.
Volunteers load up s/v Spero for her second voyage.
Frik of Sailing Sisu makes a solo voyage to Carriacou with a boat full of life-saving supplies. ​He is shown here with volunteer loaders, including Sue Ann of MSATT (far right), who is always there when needed.
Volunteers Thierry and Magali (left) of s/y Cervino enjoy a moment of levity with Phil of s/v Spero. The couple, who hail from Switzerland, is instrumental in the relief efforts.

Hurricane Beryl Relief Supplies Reach Those Who Need Them


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  • Cori McCormick

    Cori is an independent journalist, adventurer, and photographer who is currently sailing around the world full-time with her husband, Roy. She earned her bachelor's degree in journalism from the University of Southern California and her master's degree in communications from California State University, Fullerton. When she's not exploring new places, she can be found hiking or playing with pothounds.

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